Temporary Guidelines for Regathering at Indoor Worship Services
Beginning Sunday, June 21
We urge anyone who does not feel comfortable or who has health concerns to stay home. You can view the Service of the Word from our website audio link at www.silcv.org. If you are not comfortable being at services right now, please know you are loved and understood. No one needs to feel compelled to attend until you are ready.
We strongly recommend that all people attending worship wear a facemask.
Prior to coming into the sanctuary, please sanitize your hands with sanitizer provided at the entrance of the sanctuary or with your own.
We will be seating every other row only. To avoid congregating in the aisles, Narthex or sidewalks, please proceed directly to your seats, sitting in the empty rows as indicated by the presence of a bulletin lying in the pew. In order to maintain proper social distancing, please maintain at least 6 feet between families within each row.
There will be no collection of offerings during the service. There will be collection plates in the Narthex for you to place your gifts as you exit the sanctuary.
We will not be celebrating the Lord’s Supper at this time.
We will not be singing hymns.
Please be patient at the end of the service as the ushers will be dismissing the congregation from back to front.
Doors will remain open to reduce the touching of the hard surfaces. Ushers will monitor the doors during the service for safety.
Ushers will wear gloves when handling bulletins and depositing them in the pews. We are using a printed service following familiar liturgy. No hymnals will be used at this time. Please take your bulletins home with you. This will help us maintain cleanliness of the sanctuary and will also serve as a reminder of the prayer list and other announcements.